
  • 2022-08-12
  • 彭子欣
Workshop on Asian Democracy and Constitutionalism: the Prospect for Taiwan’s Multiparty Politics  

We are glad that scholars, an elected official and an activist will share their viewpoints about… 

● Taiwan's party system 台灣的政黨制度
● Developments for parties in Taiwan 台灣政黨們的發展
● Electoral threshold for legislators and party subsidies 國會席次和選舉補助款門檻 

Anyone interested in the aforementioned topics are welcome to register! 

Time 時間:06:00-09:00 pm, 31st August 2022 
Venue 地點:Online 線上 
Register 報名:https://forms.gle/r7ftURw2Ddtp8CGw7 

※ One or two days prior to the event, a webinar link will be sent to the email address attendees filled for registration. 報名成功後,線上會議連結將於活動前1-2日寄至您填寫的電郵地址。
※ The event will be in English. 活動將以英語進行。

Any questions please contact Assistant Chen via lytchair@nccu.edu.tw . 

【Speaker 主講者】
Dafydd Fell 羅達菲|
Director, Centre of Taiwan Studies at SOAS University of London 倫敦大學亞非學院台灣研究中心主任 

【Discussant 與談人】
Yu-kai Lin 林于凱|
Kaohsiung City Councillor, New Power Party 時代力量高雄市議員 

Yan-han Wang 王彥涵|
Former Member, Central Executive Committee, Green Party Taiwan 台灣綠黨前中執委 
Graduate Student, NCCU Institute of Law and Inter-discipline 政大法律科際整合研究所碩士生 

【Moderator 主持人】
Ting-chi Liu 劉定基|
Director, LYT Taiwan and Asian Studies Chair 李元簇台灣與亞洲研究講座執行長
Associate Professor, NCCU Law 政大法學院副教授

Organizer 主辦單位:
Li Yuan-tsu Taiwan and Asian Studies Chair 李元簇台灣與亞洲研究講座
NCCU College of Law 國立政治大學法學院